
"The moment you are asking someone to do anything and cannot connect it to something important for them, you have a legitimate problem"

-Jocko Willink

In this edition of Relentless Pursuit Newsletter, we will cover ownership. While a part of the content, this message is not all about equity ownership in an entity.  This is about ownership of every action and outcome for yourself, and your team. Most content is from The Debrief Podcast #25, along with some personal experience, and a developing trend in the industry.

OWNERSHIP = CONTROL: When you take ownership of a problem, you put yourself in control to solve it. When you own the situation, you are accountable for it's outcome.

  • RETAIN CONTROL: Leaders can delegate responsibility, but never accountability.  The leader will always have ultimate accountability for the success, or failure, of an action assigned to their team. If your team fails, it is because you, as the leader, have not prepared them for success.

WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME: Your team will feel they own the solution as much as you do, when they can make connection between why what they are doing will actually make their own life better. The best way to get others to behave like they have ownership over something is to give it to them!

  • PRACTICE: Rather than dictating the way to do something, summarize what must be done and allow your capable and talented team to rise to the occasion and own it!

COMMUNICATE: In order to inspire ownership amongst a team, the leader must communicate effectively. The key to effective communication is to connect an individual's task to an overall outcome.

  • OBSERVE: Where you are leading from. The front; When it's hard or just getting started. The back; to motivate. The middle; to bolster visibility of a higher level outcome.  How does your communication land in all places?

Listen to this story, of KKR portfolio company, CHI Overhead door and the associated impact ownership had to the company and it's employees.  KKR, and the Ownership Works organization are using ESOP to help employees (owners) translate their day-to-day actions into long term results.

Lead | Produce | Pursue

Joe House