Hands & Daylight

"We cannot outfight our enemies unless, at the same time, we outproduce our enemies. It is not enough to turn out just a few more planes, a few more tanks, a few more guns, a few more ships, than can be turned out by our enemies. We must outproduce them overwhelmingly, so that there can be no question of our ability to provide a crushing superiority of equipment in any theater of the world war.

And we shall succeed. A system of free enterprise is more effective than an "order" of concentration camps. The struggle for liberty first made us a Nation. The vitality, strength, and adaptability of a social order built on freedom and individual responsibility will again triumph.

-Franklin D. Roosevelt, Annual Budget Message: January 5, 1942

This edition of Relentless Pursuit is focused on something which produces goods so "expected" it's often missed, but so complex that if it was missed our lives would not be the same; Manufacturing. Specifically, we will focus on manufacturing in America.  These stories, examples, and their impacts were critical in 1942 and remain to be critical today.

ORIGIN: The wave of freedom. Reshoring the American Dream.

Manufactured in America, without compromise.  Origin is doing it HERE. For all who work in manufacturing, this series is a must listen. Jocko Willink's business partner Pete Roberts tells the story of Origin in the following Podcast episodes.

American Made with American Hands (2017): The story of the struggle to build Origin USA.

Achieving Success Begins With What you Have (2018): After "have to" becomes "have it"; How to complacency killed American Manufacturing and how to bring it back.

I Can Make That Work (2021): The Origin story continues. How to stay on the path you've created. No compromise.

Powerful Enemies Must be Outproduced (2022): Origin's performance, impact, and mission today.  See the impact in manufacturing, beyond just the products made.

WHY IT MATTERS: "There can be no American Solider without the American Worker. It is this unstoppable work ethic of the American worker that has given our military the tools and technology to maintain our freedom and security in the world."

Read this article, an interview of Jocko Willink on Labor Day 2019, to understand the real importance of manufacturing.

TREND: Know where it's from.

Most are familiar with farm to table restaurants today.  Many more with businesses that have a cause, but few recognize the impact we have when we buy according to our values.  Find businesses that make what you need, for a cause greater than just the product, and know where what you buy is from. Create your blockchain of ownership.

Stay Productive. 

Joe House