Getting things done

"Much of the stress that people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they've started"

-David Allen

David Allen, Author of Getting Things Done and gtd productivity movement is a master at developing systems for productivity.  David's systems focuses not just completing what is in front of you, but providing a means to trust that you will be reminded of the next thing to do. This edition of Relentless Pursuit will focus on that; building your system for getting things done.


CONSISTENT: ONE regular method in which you record the tasks you must complete.

  • Eliminate the "Ambient anxiety" of having multiple methods of recording your to-do's-

  • Example: I use ONE physical notebook (or note in cell phone) which records daily tasks, a OneNote notebook to establish long term priorities, and a Google Sheet to measure performance against key priorities.

CURRENT: A current (and complete) list of all actions you must complete.

  • Eliminate the never-ending job of processing what needs to be done by transferring it to a current, and regularly updated (complete), system that lists the actions you must complete.

  • Trust the system you've implemented contains everything you need done

CONTEXT: The optimal way to remind yourself of what needs to be done, based on the activity you are doing and resources available.

  • Eliminate the need to shift your organization method as you shift the focus of your attention.

  • Set your system up to store the information and reminders you need when you need to see them.

Interested to hear David explain these principles in more detail? Listen here

TIP: Master Your Review

For any system to work, it must be regularly reviewed. Information reaches us in limitless ways, and frequently at inopportune times. Due to this, it's normal for your system to require regular organizing to remain effective.

If you aren't purposefully reviewing your system regularly, you are subconsciously doing it all the time!

Lead | Produce | Pursue

Joe House