
"Don't speak too soon, for the wheel's still in spin, and there's no tellin' who that it's namin' for the loser now will be later to win" 

-Bob Dylan, The Times They Are-A-Changin, 1964

Much has changed since Bob Dylan wrote about change 58 years ago, but one thing is constant: Change.

BLUE BOOK: The Anixter Blue Book, first written in 1957, has served as the foundation of a powerful culture for more than 6 decades. Page 8, states that CHANGE = OPPORTUNITY = GROWTH. Anixter has navigated many changes with this mentality. How will you apply this to your business?

LOOKING FORWARD: The conversation in this podcast brings you a forward look with someone who looks forward for a living, Paul Saffo. Paul's career has been dedicated to the observation that first we invent our technologies, then we use our technologies to re-invent ourselves. Most importantly, minute 62 of this podcast shows Paul's view on the most interesting part of change; that it's not change that builds the future but that the future is shaped by the constants interacting with the changes. Great opportunity exists where this interaction occurs.

BIG CHANGE: Howard Marks, the founder of Oaktree Capital, released this memo Titled "The Winds of Change" in Q4 2021 and focused on big changes impacting the world of investing and business today. This framework analyzes change across 9 major factors: Investing, Business, Inflation/Deflation, Work, Democracy, Generations, The Federal Reserve, China, and Trillions. Listen or Read the memo to understand an experts' outlook on change.

Curious about Trillions? Marks gives us a view into the scale of this change, as trillions has become part of our current economic vocabulary, here.

$1 Million = $10 a second for 28 hours

$1 Billion = $10 a second for 38 months

$1 Trillion = $10 a second for 3,000+ Years

TIP: Prioritize your pace of change. Make sure your Vision changes more slowly than your Goals, Goals more slowly than Strategies, and Strategies more slowly than Tactics.

Stay Productive.

Joe House